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Wall hanging – Amethyst, Mica and recycled metals

Size:  200mm x 400mm


Handcrafted, unique one of a kind design to adorn your home, a fusion of recycled metals and a stunning black Amethyst and Mica. Black Amethyst contains higher iron concentrates making it darker than the traditional purple Amethyst. 83 Moons relates to the 83 moons that circle Saturn.


Similar in properties the Black Amethyst is a natural reliever of stress and anxiety and emanates an energy that is calming and nurturing. In a sense, black amethyst is the ultimate grounder and protector of all the stones. Since it opens the mind while connecting you to the Earth’s natural goodness and wonder, it is a crystal often used for meditation purposes. Mica specimen, known to reduce hostile or nervous energy.


Beneficial in adding beauty, protective and healing energy to any space.


Chakras -Root, Heart, Throat & Third Eye

83 Moons

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